“Outsider Video Studio” is a collective formed by a group of 90s-born individuals.
Before we met each other, we were all dream-chasing mavericks on our own paths.
Now, we have come together, combining our unique experiences from the pursuit of our dreams.
With our diverse perspectives and professional expertise,
we have established an innovative photography and video production team.
邊緣人影像事務所 曾經有人對我們說過的一句話:「你們做的,是乘載希望的職業。」 用我們的專業,承載其他人的夢想…
全球藝壇關注的亞洲藝術盛會 「2019 台北國際藝術博覽會」今天登場! 很榮幸邊緣人擔任這次的主攝影團隊。
很榮幸這次擔任S2O Taiwan官方攝影團隊 經歷了TomorrowLand也經歷了Spring Wave 三度擔任大型活動的動態團隊,我們深感榮幸,也很感激。